Friday, November 26, 2021

儿童教育基金 Children Education Funding

Children bring us great joy as they discover the world around them


With rising living standards and educational standards, it is now common place for parents to see their children through university. Tertiary education comes at a hefty price, so you need to plan early for your child’s education funding.

保费期15年、保单期20年、满期价值: $27,557.00/ Premium Term 15 years, Policy Term 20 Years, Maturity Value: $27,557.00
父亲30岁, 非吸烟者、婴儿1岁。/ Father age 30, Non Smoker, Baby Age 1.
(图示为 4.25% 的投资回报率。/ Illustrated at 4.25% Investment return.)

仅供参考,依据条款和条件。/ For reference only, T&C applied.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

退休金 Retirement Funding

Would you agree that the only person who can take care of the older person you will be someday is the younger person you are now?  



Someday you will retire from your job. With that, the income that you generate from your job will cease. If you have insufficient savings then, you will suffer a drop in your standard of living. To avoid that eventuality, the only way out is to plan for your retirement before it arrives. 

Our life expectancy has increased over the years. It is therefore critical to build up a comfortable nest egg that enables you to take care of your financial needs during your golden years.
男性 30 岁,非吸烟者。保费期限 20 年,60 岁时每月现金支付 $1,000.00 * 20 年。/ Male age 30, Non Smoker. Premium Term 20 Years, Monthly cash pay $1,000.00 * for 20 year when age 60.

* 每月现金发给 $1,000.00 非保证/ Monthly cash pay $1,000.00 is non-Guaranteed
(图示为 4.25% 的投资回报率。/ Illustrated at 4.25% Investment return.)

仅供参考,依据条款和条件。/ For reference only, T&C applied.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

储蓄计划 Saving Plan

Helping you achieve your goals at every stage in life

你有你想要实现的梦想和你想要实现的目标 - 拥有你梦想中的汽车、组建你的家庭、购买你梦想中的家、计划那个悠闲的假期 - 这样的清单还在继续。




You have dreams you want to realize and goals you want to achieve - getting your dream car, starting your family, buying your dream home, planning for that leisurely vacation - the list goes on.

It is so easy to spend and so hard to save. What can you do when you have competing needs and scarce resources?

Discipline is the key.

Our well-structured savings plan offers you both financial protection as well as a disciplined way to save regularly. Such savings can work harder for you than fixed deposit accounts or bank savings accounts, especially in the current low-interest rate environment.

保费期与保单期20年、满期价值: $55,359.00/ Premium Term and Policy Term 20 Years, Maturity Value: $55,359.00
男性30岁, 非吸烟者。/ Male age 30, Non Smoker.
(图示为 4.25% 的投资回报率。/ Illusrated at 4.25% Investment return.)

仅供参考,依据条款和条件。/ For reference only, T&C applied。